DAG Flows
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DAG Flow is a pipeline of one or more Instances arranged in a Graph. They share ENV Variables (parameters), and pass Outputs to the next Nodes in the Branch. It has its own execution history and can be drilled down to individual Instances.
Go to /dag/create/
Click + to add more Nodes (Instances) to your flow. Your Nodes are numbered, so you can choose an Instance for each node.
Also Choose an Error behaviour:
Continue - Ignore Errors
Stop Branch - Stop all child nodes
Stop Tree - Stop all flow execution.
Click Create.
Go to /dag/list/
and choose an Flow to Run.
Expand the parameters tab to override if needed.
Wait for Dynamic Parameters to finish rendering before clicking Play.
The Run Page has the following capabilities:
Job execution history
Click on each node to show console log or go to the instance run page of that specific node.
Overriding specific parameters for your next executions.
Scheduling with current chosen parameters.